Now that you have Yarn installed, you can start using it! Here are some of the most common commands you'll need.
Migrating from Yarn 1
We've been compiling helpful advice when porting over from Yarn 1 on the following Migration Guide. Give it a look and contribute to it if you see things that aren't covered yet! Make sure to consult the PnP Compatibility Table and enable the node-modules plugin if required!
Accessing the list of commands
yarn help
Starting a new project
yarn init
Installing all the dependencies
yarn install
Adding a dependency
yarn add [package]
yarn add [package]@[version]
yarn add [package]@[tag]
Adding a dependency to different categories of dependencies
yarn add [package] --dev # dev dependencies
yarn add [package] --peer # peer dependencies
Upgrading a dependency
yarn up [package]
yarn up [package]@[version]
yarn up [package]@[tag]
Removing a dependency
yarn remove [package]
Upgrading Yarn itself
yarn set version latest
yarn set version from sources